General Information
Elbe Hills ORV can be a real challenge depending on the time of year and weather conditions. It is not uncommon for rigs to come away with trail damage from some of the harder trails. It is possible to escape with out damage from the majority of the trails though. As with all of the areas if you are not sure then ask questions.
Click here to get a Google map with the Elbe Hills ORV staging area marked. You can put in your starting location and get directions. To save time make sure the route takes the Alder Cutoff Rd E through Eatonville. Google Map Directions for Elbe Hills ORV
Trail Maps
The DNR is starting to make available Geographical Referenced PDF maps that when used in conjunction with an application on your smartphone which has GPS will show you where you are on DNR managed lands. You can get more information about this as well as a link to the application and a map for several DNR managed locations including Elbe Hills ORV from the following DNR website. Please not that even if you do not download and use the application with the pdf file on your smartphone, you can still download and print the PDF to use as a Trail Map when you are visiting the area. DNR Mobile Maps