Remember, you only get out of the club what you put into it. If you don’t get out, lead runs, participate in the meetings, join in and help out at other functions and cleanups, you may not get a whole lot out of the club. On the other hand, if you do get involved, there are lots of great people to be met, and lots of fun to be had!
Our Club Meetings
The club has monthly meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7pm. Please check the Timber Tamers Calendar to confirm the date, time, and location of the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend and say Hi.
The Timber Tamers is an open club and anyone can join by:
- Coming to a club meeting
- Declare your intention for candidacy and fill out a membership application, saving a copy, and sending it to Filling out the form works best when you use Adobe Acrobat Reader installed from your app store.
- Read the By Laws and acknowledge acceptance on application
- Return application to Secretary at meeting or via email
- Attend 3 Monthly Club Meetings
- Go on 3 Monthly Club Runs
- Attend 1 Local Area Work Party
- When all of the prerequisites are complete the membership will hold a vote for acceptance
- Once and application for membership has been accepted, you will need to club dues of $75.00 annually (which includes membership in PNW4WDA).
- Enjoy, meet new people, and get involved
Contact Us
If you want to get ahold of any of our officers please feel free to use the links below! For questions specifically about membership please contact the Vice President.
President – Dave Email the President
Vice President – Steve Email the Vice President
Treasurer – Joe Email the Treasurer
Secretary – Rudi Email the Secretary
Webmaster – Dave Email the Webmaster
Social Media – Curt/Noni Email the Social Media Team