I was elected by my wife to be trail Leader for this run. Seeing as her truck was down in the garage and I wasn’t at the meeting she volunteered “us” to be trail leaders. Hehe. Continue reading “Walker Feb 2017”
4WP Feb 2017
After a serious Re-model of our local 4 Wheel Parts store, in Lynnwood, the Grand Re-Opening event was a huge success I believe!
Tinkham Rd Jan 2017
We started off the day like any other run. The alarm clock ringing waking us up too dang early for even the birds to be singing, lol. We got ourselves wakened up and loading things as the daylight started to appear. Pretty soon Casey’s phone started farting and we thought who the heck would be texting this hour. It was Eli and he was already up there and letting us know that Denny Creek road was closed. Eek gads! I wasn’t even fully awake yet and so we texted back letting him know we would be up there soon and he replied he would scout around till we got there.
Hangover Run 2017
As Josh Tourney was the Trail Leader for this run, he has graciously designated me to do the run report. Continue reading “Hangover Run 2017”