What a beautifully crisp, sunny day, to head out and do some E&E at Walker Valley!
Gary and I and Phil Jeffress and GF, headed out at 9am. Since my ancient dog, can no longer be left at home alone, I decided I take the daily driver, and bring them with, since we wouldn’t be wheeling. I had forgotten what it was like, yelling at toddlers in the back seat, to stop squabbling, move away from your brother, etc, and this trip was no different on the way up!
We pulled into Walker staging area at about 10:10, and unloaded the chairs, tables, flags, banners, literature and the smudge pots. We assigned Phil and Stella, on the task of drawing on the Sandwich board……Since they wanted it to be perfect, we will try to get a pic of it next week, when they finish it!
Gary Bellow, the DNR E&E dude and his wife Donna, were already, with a nice fire roaring away, and a sign up sheet on the new cement pic-nic table.
GREAT Turn out, of Tamers, Candidates, and guests! Gary and Casey, Phil and Stella, Michael Levine, cooking up dogs, Chris Green, Chris Brown, John Vandergrift, Rick Moreno. Candidates Terry and Pam, and Ryan and Cheryl. Guests Randy Karg, Joe Mathews, and Jeff and Jennifer Stafford (equipment operator). We also had 2 people who say the event on Facebook, and wanted to learn more, they were Chuck Alderson and Jason McManus.
Before lunch, a small group headed out to hit a few trails, I am not sure who all was in that group, but I believe Rick, Cheryl and Ryan, Jeff and Jennifer. Forgive me if I missed someone. After lunch, another small group headed out, and took the guests Chuck and Jason out, I believe it was led by John Vandergrift and Chris Brown….again, if I missed someone, I apologize!
The rest of us who stayed at staging, handed out TT literature, maps, Expo Fliers, hot dogs, water and chips, and goody bags for the couple kids we saw out with their parents. Gary Bellows telling stories and feeding the fire, enough to keep the smoke going round and round. The rest of us yaking and getting to know each other.
My drive home, was much quieter, as the “toddlers” (dogs) in the back seat, were so tuckered out, they slept the whole way home!
THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CAME OUT! We accumulated 155 hrs towards our E&E grant commitment hours! That is more than half of our E&E commitment, GREAT JOB!
Thanks for ready.
TT #256
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