was short, though the day was long! Not sure I can call this a “Run”, since we only managed to do 1 1/2 trails! But, it was a beautiful day to be out, and see old friends and meet new ones.
Matt Talley Finally got his Blazer out for some wheeling, but didn’t even get past the gate keeper, before having tranny issues. Parked it at the staging area and he jumped in with Joshua David Turney. Managed to get all the way through the Timber Tamer trail, played on Ridge Ram for a bit, where David Wilkinson managed to dislodge his driveline from his Jeep. Then about 200 feet into the next trail, a blue Jeep (drivin by another Dave) busted his rear axle. Drug him out backwards, then tried many solutions to get the rig back to staging. While trying to find a solution, another wheeler called with a blown radiator hose, so Michael Kelley went to help him. Came back, and we were still where we he left us, with the broken axle. Finally started m–o–o–o–o–v–ing VERY slowly. towards the staging area. Stopped to pull out a quad and rider who had rolled it over the side of the road, into the weeds. Then, David Wilkinson had Clutch problems. A bunch of yahoos in a big jeep managed to get between us, then started mowing over signs, driving into the trees/ditches, and tried to weave in and out of us, nearly hitting several rigs. The yahoo group received a whole lot of E&E at the gate keeper! Managed to get all rigs back to staging at about 4pm. Gary and I were going to follow David home, and Matt was going to limp his blazer. Dave took off, Matt made it about 300 feet down the road, and no more trans. After talking for an hour or so, as to how to get Matt home, decided to call AAA. Drove up the road, to make the call, since we had no cell service. AAA said no prob, be there in an hour! After about an hour and a half, still no tow truck. With about 6 of us holding hands, sticking feet out in every direction, and holding items in all directions, managed to get a cell service for a few minutes, long enough to call AAA back and be told “the tow truck Declined the tow”! WHAT? Don’t we pay for this service to get us out of issues like this? So, at just before 7pm, Gary and I ran Miss Creant home and got the truck and trailer. Loaded Matts rig up, and took off down the highway. Safely returned Matt’s rig to his house, only to find our old 72 truck was done starting for the day! Of course, we had no tools or flashlights or anything, except for a small 2×4. We used the 2×4 to bang on the starter, and finally got it home at 11pm. As Mark McLaughlin would say, in his Best British accent…. “What could POSSIBLY go wrong?”
“nuf said” about this wheelin trip!
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