Moonshiners Swap Meet Mar 2018

I was not going to do the swap meet this year but at the last minute plans changed and I decided to go and just hang out with friends. I went down with Tom and Chad very early on Sunday morning since there had been no trip on Saturday to setup.  We arrived to find that Gary had put a few things across 4 booths the day before to ensure we had the spaces on Sunday (thank you Gary). Things were unloaded quick and the rig with trailer driven out to the parking lot, but then the real work started to arrange the display everything in a way that it could be seen and sold. That took the better part of 90 minutes to do and if I am honest it never really stopped all day. Things were constantly being moved to present them better for the people browsing for a bargain. It turned out to be worth it because when we headed home later that night there was a lot less to load in the trailer.

Not much happened that is news worthy but we did see a lot of friends and even got to see a few Tamer Alumni that have not been around the club for years. There was a lot of sitting around talking about rigs and plans to upgrade what ever had blown up recently. Discussing what works and what does not on the trail or street. We even talked about future trips that might happen in the not to distant summer months that are fast approaching.

I have to say that Gary is a real stand up guy. He was there by himself in the Tamers two booths selling all the stuff that Tamers had given him to sell with the proceeds going to the club. He was the one that showed up Saturday and made sure that stuff was in the booths so that they were not reclaimed and then resold. He was the one that had the Tamers sign setup along with the information table for the Tamers, Reiter Rock Crawl, and NW Expo. My hat is off to you Gary for going the extra 10 miles to make sure that the club is represented. Thank you for doing more than your part to keep the Tamers strong.

I guess I should mention that Timber Tina made an appearance. Oh joy.
