For a few years now Melissa and I have been hosting a Father’s Day weekend run to Liberty. We tend to go over mid-week in order to secure a campsite that can accommodate everyone as a group. Not to mention getting a few extra days to relax.
Continue reading “Liberty Fathers Day 2024”Liberty June 2019
It had been about 19 months since the family and I were able to get away on a weekend camping trip. It was my fault really since I wanted to build the Jeep, but with that mostly done it was time to reap some of the rewards of that effort. So it was that Melissa, Alex, Cassidy and I left about 9am Friday for Liberty and the Williams Creek campground in an effort to secure a good camp site for the weekend, but it was not soon enough because when we got there we found just one spot that would work for all of the people we knew were on the way. We made the best of it and because we had great campground neighbors it all worked out in the end.
Continue reading “Liberty June 2019”Labor Day Weekend Sep 2017
Melissa, Cassidy, Aly (Cassidy’s friend), and I arrived in the afternoon to find that most of the campground was already claimed, or at least all of the spots with any kind of shade. Guess that should be expected given there was a forest fire not too far away that had closed a number of other campgrounds. We opted for one of the only spots left right by the creek where we could dip our toes in the water to cool off should the need arise. Continue reading “Labor Day Weekend Sep 2017”
Liberty Fathers Day June 2017
From all accounts of everyone present if you did not make the father’s day run then you missed a great run. Being that the usual haunt was not going to work this year the Tamers decided to head over to Liberty for the weekend run. Cassidy and I left Friday morning and 4:45am to make sure we were early enough to secure a camp site for the Tamers that were going to spend the weekend. We arrived at 6:45am to find that there was just one site left which we promptly setup camp in and then went to breakfast at the little café down the highway a few miles. Once fed it was off to get a load of wood for that evening and then a cruise around the forest service roads looking for geocaches. Continue reading “Liberty Fathers Day June 2017”
Liberty Aug 2016
Unfortunatly I was not going to be able to lead the Labor Day Weekend run to Liberty so in lue of that I offered to lead the run on 8/20 and have it be at Liberty. Since there was nothing else planned for that run on the calendar it all worked out. The Family and I took the day off from work Friday and headed over early in order to get a camping spot since we wanted to relax a bit and this seemed like a great chance to do so. Continue reading “Liberty Aug 2016”
Liberty Run July 2015
Liberty 7/1 – 7/4
Well sometimes things do not work out but what the heck we had fun anyway. I am getting ahead of things though so lets backup to the start. Continue reading “Liberty Run July 2015”
Liberty June 2014
I have spent a lot of time at Liberty over the years and like to go there every chance I get. The wheeling is not super difficult but the trails are long and there are a few challenges. The vistas are always great and when the weather is just warm, like it was for this trip. It is really great to sit around the camp fire in the evening with friends and talk enjoying the night. Here are a few pictures which were contributed from multiple sources. Thank you all for coming and hope to see you on the next run. Continue reading “Liberty June 2014”
Fathers Day Weekend Liberty Jun 2012
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Liberty Labor Day Weekend Sep 2011
It was a great weekend at Liberty. We took and extra day and showed up Thursday morning which turned out to be a great move since we were able to get the big fire pit in the first meadow. Continue reading “Liberty Labor Day Weekend Sep 2011”
Fathers Day Weekend At Liberty Jun 2011
Well the original plan was to camp at Liberty and then run over to Manashtash to clear the Divide Trail for the Forest Service but due to circumstances beyond our control the plan was scrapped and we just ended up running trail at Liberty. Continue reading “Fathers Day Weekend At Liberty Jun 2011”
Labor Day Weekend at Liberty Sep 2010
Been a while since the Tamers have done a late summer run at Liberty and it turned out to be a nice weekend to make up for that. We even got to have a campfire due to the soaking that east side got in the days before. Glad I brought the chainsaw after all. Continue reading “Labor Day Weekend at Liberty Sep 2010”
The NOT a TTCW Run – Liberty Aug 2010
If an alternate universe the Tamers were hosting TTCW 2010 this weekend. In this universe it did not happen so we had a run instead. Continue reading “The NOT a TTCW Run – Liberty Aug 2010”
Team Trophy Challenge Washington Oct 2008
Team Trophy Challenge Washington (TTCW) is based on a similar event held in Oregon and in which several of the club members has previously participated. This event challenges participants to navigate a course using a tulip map and then along the way perform several tasks. In another stage of the competition the participants are challenged to navigate a course and find markers in specific locations which are hidden. It is a tough competition but everyone has a lot of fun participating and the Tamers have a lot of fun volunteering to help put the event on.
Continue reading “Team Trophy Challenge Washington Oct 2008”Labor Day Weekend At Liberty Sep 2007
I hope that everyone agrees that it was a good weekend. The weather was warm enough for shorts, but not so bad that I had to go sit in the creek to get cool. The camp ground was pretty full ,but Gary was able to get there Thursday night and stake out a spot big enough for all of the Tamers to circle the wagons. Continue reading “Labor Day Weekend At Liberty Sep 2007”
Liberty Aug 2006
Another wonderful wheeling weekend with the Tamers at Liberty. Ruth and I met up with Ed at his place in Renton on Saturday morning. We hitched up “Kermit” to his motor home and headed off for the trail. We arrive at about 11 to see that a small group of Tamers had been there overnight and secured us a good sized area for some quality camping. Continue reading “Liberty Aug 2006”
Liberty Labor Day Weekend Sep 2005
Another wonderful weekend of wheeling in Washington with the Tamers, Labor Day in Liberty.