As always, a great day to go wheelin’! We met at the south lot of Walker Valley, Gary and I, Jerry Marsh and Phil, Josh Wilcox, candidate Ron Mader, Mark McLaughlin and FIL, Trish and Tammy King, Erich Tibbitts and Sean Wolk in the Wonder Bread Samurai! While waiting for Trish and Tammy to pull in with our breakfast, there was a lost looking gentleman with a friend and a bunch of kids. Since he seemed to be studying the map on the board, I offered him a map, and asked if he’d like to join us. He and his crew thanked us, and tagged along. Educated him a bit about the Timer Tamers and gave him a card to check out the club. They were in a silver jeep.
The Miss Creant led the pack, and Miss Understood brought up the rear.
I handed out trash bags to all, and off we went. Although it was muddy, we had little trouble for the majority of the day. We started off on the Timber Tamer trail, where we picked up another Jeep, only this one was white. This was Scott Lear and Jim Willard. They have also expressed interest in joining our club, and hope to join us at the January meeting.
Trish and Tammy had some trouble with their locker, so at this point, decided to head home. That was a bummer…. We assured her she would be fine without it, but she stated “it just bugs me, so I can’t do it”!
On to the Easy Valley connector, through the mud puddle and up Ridge Ram! The mud is presenting issue on this trail…Miss Creant had to pull winch to get the drive line or springs or something off the rocks. Everyone else took a different line and made it…except Gary and the Miss Understood Samurai…he took the same line and made it. I smell a conspiracy here, since he spotted me and I had to pull winch.
There was a Jeep at the big mud puddle who sucked water, so Gary and Sean, in their little Samurais, went to help them get their jeep headed for the stable. We stopped for lunch and picked up more trash and a little trash talk about Jeeps vs. Toyotas! Heading up the next trail, there was a lonely 4 wheeler who had blown his motor! I radioed back to the last person in line, to please tow the wheeler out, then we will figure out how best to help him. Since Gary and Sean, were still in the back, they pulled him to the logging road, then decided to tow him all the way back to the staging area, and would meet up with us at Ron’s Run. Jerry Marsh now took up the read position.
We then headed to Ron’s Run, to meet back up with Gary and Sean, who were helping the water logged jeep. Ron Mader kindly pointed out that I was going the wrong way….hmmm, I don’t think so, but maybe…so, the first of the Tamer Turns were executed…only to find that turning around was not correct, I was going the right way. Ron kindly pointed out again, that I just past the Trail to Ron’s Run….hmmm, I don’t think so, but we’ll execute another Tamer turn and check…no, this is still not the correct trail. We need to go back the way I was originally heading. Half way up the logging road to RR, there was a broken Jeep in the trail, who had no idea how to get back. Handed out another map, and told him there were 2 Samurai’s on Channel 4, below us. Holler at them, if they needed further help. Finally got to Ron’s Run, and started up the lower section. Again, a little difficulty with the mud, but all made it up, then up the hill to the ROCK!
The Rock on Ron’s Run has now been completely gouged out and essentially impassable, unless one possesses a winch! Gary and Sean came down the trail to meet us at the rock, and help us all get through…it is now DARK. So, after the first couple rigs try to conquer the rock, and were denied, the others decided to try the un-authorized pass through. The pass through is worse than the ROCK! Lots of winching there as well, as trying to get Mark McLaughlin and his father in law up that hill, proved to be quite the job. As we are all watching, guiding and telling Mark what to do, Mark decided one last try to bump it over a large root/sump….and POOOSH! In all that mud, his right front tire Flew the bead right into my face! I had mud all over my face, hair, glasses, in my mouth, nose, and ears! I told Mark I like to drive in the mud, not eat it! Now, since this portion of trail, is so rough, I was able to pick up enough Jeep parts to build a whole new Jeep! OK, not sure all of them are Jeep, but in the back of my yota, I like to think they were all jeep parts.
We decided this should be the end to our day. After several wrong right had turns, we got back. Josh so nicely pointed out to me, that 2 wrongs don’t make a right! We all aired up, and headed home to watch the big game!
A good day was had by all!
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