The Tamers put together an E&E day at Walker Valley, for Saturday the 3rd of September. Members, Chris and Ashley Brown initiated this event, and the rest of the Tamers showed up to help. We were un-sure if this being a holiday weekend, would be a good day or not, but as it turned out, it was an Excellent day for E&E! We were even asked if we would be back for the rest of the weekend.
With assistance from the Rainier Ridge Rams, we had an EXCELLENT DAY! Kevin Vanderhorst with the RRR, arrived with the PNW Tent, then Chris and Ashley Brown, with the food. Then Gary and Casey with the BBQ, more tables, trash bags and literature. Soon after, TT members and Candidates began to pull in, as well as some interested in wheeling, Walker Valley, and E&E. I think there were 10 TT Members and 6 Candidates, as well as 4 RRR Members and Gary Bellows with the DNR!
We set up a “camp” at the main staging area, and did the typical BS’ing, about the day, trails, wheeling and advice to not follow Kevin V in his Zuk, on logging roads….he tends to FALL over, without reason. A large group wanted to go run a few trails, before lunch time, so Kevin offered to lead the pack, a quick drivers meeting ensued, and off they went armed with maps, fliers, Expo info, trash bags and knowledge!
Meanwhile, back at staging, single track riders, ATV riders and wheelers came and went. We spoke with almost every one of them, in one way or another. We offered maps, Disco pass info, PNW info, Shore Patrol info and Expo info. We talked about the trails, maps, rules, and of course the TT and RRR off road club. Gary Bellow with the DNR reminded riders about helmets, helped with questions regarding the disco pass, as well as specific trail conditions.
Around 1:30, the trail group returned and hot dogs, chips and water were cooked up and handed out. Lots of single track and ATV riders, also stopped in for a quick bite to eat. After lunch, several others who had stayed at staging during the first run, took off to the trails for a bit.
There was a TON of interest, in what we were doing, would we be back, questions about Expo, etc. A couple brought their grandchildren out to teach them to ride motorcycles, and spoke with us about the rules, etc, and grabbed lunch with us. A gentleman from Canada, came by just to take a quick peak at our trails, with a map in his hand, off he went. He came back after scoping, and said thank you for being there, as the map was helpful, the trails looked great, and he couldn’t wait to come back with his trail bike.
Around 3:30 or 4pm, the trail group, as well as many of the single/ATV riders, began to return to staging to pack up…………and most of them were Hungry! We grilled up the last of the dogs, then packed up our stuff around 5:30, to head for home as well.
This was a great day at Walker, Can’t wait to do it again soon!
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