W.E. Rock (World Extreme Rock Crawling Competition) 2016 is an event that some Tamers attend annually, some to compete, some to spot, some to judge and some to watch! This year was no different. We had 8 Tamers in attendance, Karl VP and Tom Baker, Chad Krebs and Cody Krebs competing. Anthony Areola was also in the completion, as a spotter for Larry Smith, and Tamer Pal. Gary and Casey Miller were judging, and Steven Armentrout and Rudy D. were there to watch the entertainment. Also, 2 Members of the RRR, Ash and Tony, found us and camped with us!
Gary and Casey Showed up at about 3pm and secured one of the coveted spots along the tree line, to camp, where there is a bit of shade. Next came Tom and Karl, later Chad and Cody showed up, though in a PU with no rig to run. Apparently Anthony was bringing Chad’s yota, from Spokane? Anthony showed up around midnight or 1am. Tech was done, and we went over to walk the courses. Gary and Casey opted to judge courses C3 and 4, as there was more potential for roll over’s there, and we weren’t disappointed.
Saturday morning was an early one, to get up, get coffee/breakfast, do judges refresher course and complete late tech, and head to the course for final review. Apparently one Tamer was put in charge of supplies, such as plates, utensils, cooking apparatus, etc…..hmmm, with only 6 or 8 plates for the weekend, no silverware, no utensils, no gas for the coffee maker, and no filters, there were a few fingers pointed. Luckily, Gary and Casey brought the camper, and since gals tend to pack everything possibly imaginable….the boys managed to survive the weekend on more than just a bucket of Red Vines.
Saturday competition, was as usual….Chad rolled his rig on course 1 or 2, not sure which, as Gary and Casey were busy judging on C3 and 4. Since Karl didn’t try to crawl into Tom’s sleeping bag Friday night, there was no need for Tom to be sure Karl rolled on Saturday. After the stress of the first day of comp, there was dinner, a few snoozes, and then….a game of Crabs Against Humidity (?) I think that was the name! Casey being new to the game, managed to win. Then, Karl went off to try to find the allusive Flip Cup Championship of the World, (of the world), which is typically held Sat. night at WE Rock, while the rest of us went to bed.
Sunday Competition again, was as usual…Chad roll his rig on course C3, and his biggest worry as he lay on his side…. “GET PICTURES, HAND ME A CAMERA SO I CAN GET A SELFYâ€! Then, he says “Recovery gear is behind my seat in a bag, did we get progression pointsâ€? First things first of course! There was also another roll by Holly, driving an Orange Yota on C3 on Sunday. On the final course of the day, Chad ran it first, so he could then loan his driveline to another competitor on another course, so he was giving it beans, to get through the course quickly. Cody managed to munch his hand earlier on C3 moving rocks, so Tom filled in for Cody on this last course.
NOW, Sunday Morning, Rudy D. shows up at the C3 course, to observe, without Steve Armentrout….between rigs, I (Casey) asked Rudy D., where is Steve….in Rudy’s typical low-key fashion, oh, there was a hit n run accident, he is with the Jeep. Ummm, could we elaborate a bit? Is Steve OK, is the Jeep OK, where are they at????? Jeep was being towed to The Dalles, Steve is at a gas station, and Rudy D. was here to watch the competition. Not really, Rudy D. did come to ask the TT for assistance, which of course, we did. We told Rudy D. to have the tow truck drop off the Camo Jeep in the camp and we would arrange to put it on a trailer to get it home, and of course, get Steve and Rudy D. home as well. There were some bent up parts, and both Steve and Rudy D. were fine, and actually in very good spirits, considering the side swipe on highway 97 at 60 MPH!
Once all the competition was complete, we all headed back to camp to back up and figure out where the camo jeep would sit, and where to transport Steve and Rudy. The jeep ended up on Anthony’s trailer (ok Rudi’s Trailer), Chads yota ended up on Tom’s trailer with Karl’s rig, and I think Steve n Rudy went with Cody in his 4-door Ford. (or was it Anthony’s Kodiak)?
I don’t remember where Karl and Chad placed, but I think it was Karl at 4th, and Chad maybe around 9th? Not sure, so please correct me, if I am wrong.
All in all, it was a great weekend, MUCH cooler then it usually is, though still dry and dusty as usual.
Pics are below and the videos are on the TT YouTube channel.
Casey and Gary
TT #256
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