Elbe Work Party Nov 2009

Time for some more work on the adopted Sunrise Trail at the Elbe ORV park. Mike, Claire, Amy, Terry, Mark, Greg, Shaun, and myself (Rudi) were all on hand to effect some repairs were needed and assess the over all health of the trail. There was a little snow on the ground which had fallen during the week but it was fast melting and was not really a concern. Once we were all assembled everyone except for Mark and I ran up the trail to check it out. Mark and I ran up the road with my Jeep and trailer as we knew there was going to be some work to do in the rock section. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Nov 2009”

Red Eye Nov 2009

The run started out around 9:30 Friday night from the Safeway in Enumclaw with 3 rigs:

Doug in his YJ
Steve & Mike in Steve’s Suzuki Samurai
Scrambler Mike his brother Dave in the CJ8 (aka ‘the bus’)

We headed up 410 it began snowing as soon at the first sign of elevation change…turned off onto the 70 road where Steve unloaded his Sammi a few miles up. There was already a slight dusting of snow on the ground there. Continue reading “Red Eye Nov 2009”

Operation Shore Patrol Sep 2009

The Tamers participated in 38th Annual Operation Shore Patrol which is organized the Pacific Northwest Four Wheel Drive Association. Event participants meeting at various beaches and spend the weekend volunteering there time and resources to clean up the beaches. Here are a few pictures for this years event including a few embarrassing ones of people getting stuck on the beach. You know how you are!! Continue reading “Operation Shore Patrol Sep 2009”

TTCW Recovery Sep 2009

On the way back from the Day Course there was a little issue. In the hast to get back for the night time portion of the event and following very close to the person in front so as to avoid the dust, one of the competitors drove off the road and rolled just a little bit. Everyone pitched in and got them back on the road in record time so that they could finish the event.

Continue reading “TTCW Recovery Sep 2009”

TTCW at Manashtash Sep 2009

For the third year in a row the Timber Tamers have hosted the Team Trophy Challenge Washington event. The event is a off road endurance challange in which participants navigate a course and perform various off road related tasks at check points on the course. This event is not a race but rather and endurance challange in which if you are one of the lucky few that complete the course and tasks, you will find your self in the minority of the competitors when all is said and done. Continue reading “TTCW at Manashtash Sep 2009”

Tamer Picnic Aug 2009

So the day started a little early for me as my worrying about making sure the Tamers had a nice spot for the picnic got me to the park at 7am. Since I had some time I broke out the laptop and started working on some items for an upcoming Tamer event. 90 minutes later Ann T showed up and I put the laptop away in favor of talking with Ann about the Tamers and wheeling. Continue reading “Tamer Picnic Aug 2009”

Wheelers For The Wounded Jul 2009

To recap Wheelers for the Wounded – our event in Washington State was one of many being held throughout the country – where off-road clubs and organizations are honoring the service of our wounded veterans. The national organizer and founder, Jason Havlik had intended to make it to all events – but had to discontinue his plan due to health problems experienced on the way, and corporate sponsors reneging on their financial commitments – meaning he ran out of funds to continue travelling to all events. Continue reading “Wheelers For The Wounded Jul 2009”

Taneum May 2009

This was the first real camping trip for me this year and I really was looking forward to the event. Despite the little things that went wrong I have to say that in the end it was a good weekend. The family and I got to the campground about 4pm or so to find that Terry and Rock had managed to save enough space for all the Tamers that were coming. In fact Terry actually got there at 7am and I think that I heard Rock had to wake him up when he got there later in the day. Thank you Terry and Rock! Continue reading “Taneum May 2009”

Elbe Run Apr 2009

Where do I start on such a fantastic weekend as this? Oh, I know… we can start with me leaving the Navy base as I had duty on Friday. No biggie as I had brought my jeep and camping gear to work with me so I was ready to go on Saturday morning. It was rather funny towing the jeep on base. The gate guard asked me “is that yours”? Nope, I replied, It’s just following me. He was probably asking questions because I let the base decals expire on the jeep as I don’t daily drive it anymore. Continue reading “Elbe Run Apr 2009”

Walker Work Party Mar 2009

Well, it is Saturday and time for another work party at Walker Valley to help fill out the grants for the park. I was able to get to the main parking area on time with out rushing and that turned out to be a good thing as the trooper’s were out and about. Funny thing when I got there was that there was no one there, not a single person or rig. It did not take long before John and another guy showed up though and we BS’d until Elyse, Byorn, Ann, Josh, Mike (guest), Gary, and Mark all got there. After making a quick call to confirm that we had everyone we headed up to the top of the upper main line to work on a water bar. Continue reading “Walker Work Party Mar 2009”