Timer Tamers Evans Creek Report 8-30-2014
I am not good at typing or writing so please bear with me and hope this is not too long.
We started off by meeting at the 410 café in Buckley, more precisely a parking lot, across the highway from where the café used to be which is now a Mexican restaurant.
Rudy was first on the scene, with the next group pulling in one parking lot before where Rudy was parked.
They saw a lot of jeeps but once they got into the parking lot they didn’t recognize anyone. Looking further they see Rudy on the other side of the jersey barriers and with lil finesse around the parking lot got over and parked next to him.
Mike in his silver FJ was gracious and generous enough to supply a new cow bell to the club to be sure it gets placed on the proper vehicle.
This day it was Casey’s turn in the MissCreant to be wearing the cow bell.
The weather at this point had turned to steady rain and when Rick got there in his station wagon he told us it had been fine till we got there and we must had brought it with us.
Other stragglers showed up shortly after, Anthony in his big rig hauling his white jeep and Mike that had trailered his own dark colored jeep.
Heather who is a candidate and wanted to ride along with someone for her first run also showed up. She owns a real nice new Black 4 door with some new rugged looking trimmings.
She had her choice of riding in the MissUnderstood (Samurai) with me, or the empty seat of the “playfully grinning” Karl. She wisely chose the MissUnderstood..hehe Course that was probably due to it having a windshield and a top.
It was still a bit early so a few people went for some food and a couple more decided to get gas right then.
Once all back together we headed out in the convoy of 12 rigs 6 of them being towed.
A quick stop at Wilkeson for some other to top off fuel and to get some Northwest Forest passes and we were off again.
We all got the staging area and everyone got rigs unloaded and others aired down and we even got a chance to be sure the FJ would fit between the gatekeeper. It did but was pretty tight. Keep this in mind for later in the report.
So with the weather now cleared a bit and the rain stopped we headed up the 311 trail with 11 rigs on the trail.
Rudy was leading and as many of you know this trail is a bit tight but solid and we all seemed to make it thru pretty well.
There was one spot that I remember from last time I was there, that going to the right is easier than going to the left. And of course Rudy the brave soul and quite an excellent driver headed to the left.
I stayed back to watch him crawl up thru the hard rock and start to spin, then steer a bit and finally, giving way to rain soaked slick rock getting him pretty crossed up in the trail.
He was quick on the cb for some relief from the next in line, being me in the MissUnderstood. I chose my path carefully to the right and got myself above Rudy and with a quick cable out and hooked to my rear tow point Rudy was out in a flash and crawling back up the trail. (Insert Tow fee)
This spot was to give Anthony in his highly modified jeep a quick spin around on slick rocks as well. I think it was Jerry in his jeep to scoot around top and give Anthony an anchor point to winch himself up and out.(Insert tow fee) The rest of the crew all went around to the right making their way up the trail.
It wasn’t but maybe 1000 more feet when the silver FJ driven by Mike got turtled up onto a fairly large rock. We worked it by jumping weighting down and pushing n pulling but she wouldn’t budge. So Mark in the “Brits” being next in line pulled up and spooled out his winch, and holy smokes did that thing freewheel out nicely, man, I and others were amazed. With a quick tug and a reminder it s a “tow fee” we were off to the next rendezvous point.
We all got to a point that was high and cleared out area where we could do a photo shoot and parked in a line with the base of Mt Ranier as our backstop. Pics got taken people mingled and talked and of course Karl had to start to play in his jeep.
Three quads pulled up and some of us didn’t even realize it but it was three sheriffs. About this time we all heard a big bang and all looked towards Karl’s direction. Sure enough he had popped one of his front u-joints.
He had a spare so it was only time needed to get him back into the wheeling.
In the meantime I think Ed needed to run down and get himself a Northwest Forest Service pass that were being sold down in the camp sites for his trailer rig. And I got to asking the Sheriffs dumb questions as well as listening to some of their quick stories. We were sure to mention to them we were happy to see them out patrolling the trails keep the riffraff to minimal levels.
With chit chat over and Karls new ujoint begging for abuse we got back on the trail with Rudy again leading. We got to the intersection of the 311 and 311A and weren’t sure which way to go. There are actually about 3 ways to go there. So Rudy says hang tight let me look,,, went down one trail, nope dead end. The next trail, nope that too was dead end. Byt now we had Ed back into CB range and he was trying to help us figure it out.
Rudy had me head down the left trail and this seemed to be working,,,,,,, Until I met up with Ed. Hmmm there must be a trail off to the right down here someplace.
So Ed put his jeep into reverse and away he went.. and this guy must have had some forklift driving experience as he went down that trail faster than me and he was going backwards!
Ed found a spot to turn out and let everyone by as he was bringing up the rear this day and once again wanted to regain his position.
Just about a spits throw down the trail sure enough there is a small trail to the right.
It was tight and twisty but for most part in good shape. And the weather was holding out for us a bit tooo.
We followed the 311 to the 310 and looped it back around to pick up the 520 trail.
With everyone rolling along slowly we all got to the intersection of the 198 trail and the 7920 forest service road.
At this point in time I heard a familiar sound. The high rpm’s of a 22re Toyota and the sound of what has become know as the “MudNado”. Eek gads!!
I looked up and sure enough see the spray as well as hear the spray of the MissCreant being engulfed in the MudNado. I can only look on in the realization I will never win this battle and can only shake my head.
We broke here for lunch and had some entertainment from some Toyota guys climbing up a steep rock embankment leaving a lot of their tires on the now dried up rock that they finally got traction on to complete their climb up and over the top.
Of course once Karl ate his tidbits he too was crawling up and over and down and in between and back up this rocky area.
With everyone fed and rigs raring to go we headed off towards the 197 trail. We got about 500 feet when Anthony’s rig just died. With a little bit of diagnoses, soon I saw parts being discarded off to the side, new ones being opened up from boxes. Now this guy is prepared. New fuel filter, new fuel pump, etc etc, and soon his jeep was alive and kicking again.
Old parts scavenged up, we were off again.
Ok well this is where things got interesting.
I watch as everyone leaves the Forest service road and go into the 197 trail. It has a pretty rutted entrance and taking a good line is a good idea.
I watch Mark in his “Brits” jeep and decide to take his same line. He just made it look so easy.
I radio back to the MissCreant and tell her to watch and follow my line. As I climb up and up the front tires slip and fall down into the crack then the back tires slip over and I start getting all crossed up. I hit a little gas,,,EEEkkk gads the left front tire is lifting up and we start to lean over Badly… Hmmm this is NOT good!
I back up a bit and buy now Jerry is there to help spot me.. I go for a little left of the line with same result…Geesh keep this up I am going to be wearing the cow bell soon and scare the crap out of the Candidate I have riding with me. I am sure that Casey in the MissCreant is really enjoying this.
I finally back way down and go for the far right and crawl right up. I radio to the MissCreant to be sure and NOT follow my line. She assured me that she would NOT be flowing my line..LOL.
So with everyone now on the 197 trail and we start to climb up in elevation the rain started to come down. Not too bad yet but just drizzling.
Shortly into this trail we came to a complete stop and waited a bit. Not sure what was going on I climbed out and walked uphill to discover the silver FJ had blown a bead and Rudy was digging with a 2×4. I walked-skidded back down to my rig and got my little shovel and got back up to let Rudy use something at least with a point now. With some more digging to get the tire out from under the wheel. We got things lined up and they were able to get the bead to seat and get moving along again.
This part of the trail was very off camber with a steep cliff off one side and as I drove past I asked if anyone wanted a spotter and was quickly answered with a “Yes Please” from Casey. She wanted her spotter in the cab, a spotter outside and then she kept hugging the hill side despite the spotter guiding her to get back into the ruts better…
Once past this area of the trail we again stopped. As we sat waiting I noticed the wind picked up a bit and then trying to see up the hill and ahead of us it looked as though the rain was sheeting sideways? What?
They got the Fj through a slick rutty wet soaked bunch of roots that looked like it came straight from the depths of a slime monsters mouth of ghostbusters.
I got to peek around the corner just in time to see Rick bouncing his way up this mess and knew I would need some momentum to get thru this.
Once again I radioed the MissCreant to get in behind me and watch me as I knew she would need to see it to believe it.
Once she was right behind me I took off and gave those squirrels hell. The Missunderstood grabbed some traction and took off only to start to slip right then left then back then a bit of traction, oh noe back to left n right. Working that wheel and keeping RPM’s up those little squirrels once again did their job and we made it thru.
I quickly jumped out to get back to try to spot my Wife, Casey and her trusty steed thru that mess of slobbering drool. It was pouring rain by now and getting cold too.
I made it back just in time to see her crawling thru and getting close to the worst part where she was going to need some speed.
I asked what gear she was in, sure enough she was crawling low gears. I had her get back into some trusty gears for speed and power and then backed her up a bit. With the help of Anthony we got her lined up wheels pointing right direction and told her to nail it. And she did, all the way up through that snotty mess and around the corner, the whole time with grin from ear to ear.
Once around the corner we again were stopped. And the Fj was having tough time clearing through some nasty roots. It was just too slick to get him lined up good and by now the trail ruts were a flowing creek with brown mud and even some small rocks cascading down the ruts of the trails on both sides?
In the words of the “Brits” what could possibly go wrong” LOL
They let me have the spotting and we did our best to get that FJ lined up. I thought we had it when we got one guy on the rig on one side and two of us on the other side pushing to lean the rig just enough to get his door handle by then the back quarter panel….ooopsss Damn it I thought we had it ok… Got the door handle by, but the rear quarter panel took a dent.
Mike the Fj’s driver had a friend with him and he suggested we exchange insurance information and drive on.. Hehe.
With Mike thru that tight spot he didn’t get too far and lost traction again. This rain and mud was just getting rougher. Anthony hooked up his tow strap and got him thru another spot. Then Anthony thought maybe we just leave the strap on to get him thru the rest of this hill. That proved to be the ticket for Mike and his FJ.
Now for Ricks turn. Now Rick can drive the crap out of his rig and he too lost his rear taillight lens working his way up through this now looking creek bed muddy sloppy mess of a trail.
I figured after spotting rick through I better try to grab his tail light remnants. As I walked back I saw my rig pulling up? WTF? My rigs is moving itself????
Oh wait!!! It is going to run over Rick’s lens… HEY HEY waving my arms fractically,, but he wouldn’t stop. I yelled to Rick get on CB tell Samurai to STOP!!!!!
He stopped a few feet from Ricks lens and I was able to gather the pieces up.
As my rig, The MissUnderstood was being piloted by Casey’s spotter Rick, I needed a ride so jumped in to ride with my wife which I always enjoy.
I noticed some weird noises like a bad u-joint coming from out back and then figured it must just be the cow bell? Casey said, that is what Rick was saying.
And Oh did I mention that numerous times Rudy had said “I think we are through the worst of it”, only to say a few minutes later,”maybe not”.
We finally made it thru the 197 trail and back into the 198 trail and the rain slowed then stopped and we got back down to the intersection.
We all got out and started swapping back our parts. I had lost a mud flap, Ricks tail light lens. Kind of like a swap meet..hehe
It was getting late and we decided to call it a day,, well except for Rudy and Anthony.
There were some people at the intersection and apparently they had a buddy broke down on a trail that needed some welding to get out. So being a Tamer as well as Anthony having an on-board welder, him and Rudy took off to help with repair and get the guy out of the woods.
The rest of us headed for the parking area. We all got loaded up aired up and said our goodbyes and headed for the main road out.
The dirt road was alright but bumpy and at one point the MissCreant pulled over and Rick said something didn’t sound right.
He grabbed the rear drive line and sure enough the rear ujoint was toast. So thankfully we carry a spare driveline for the rear and proceeded to get it out and start to swap it.
Anthony drove by and stopped to be sure we were ok and we almost had it done at that point… then Rudy drove by and he too stopped and asked what we were doing.. we were almost moving at that pint so we ended up following Rudy out of the woods to pavement.
I think everyone had a good time. Despite the foul weather, it made a challenge for sure.
Everyone made it home safe and sound.
Heather the candidate I think had a good time and got to see the real action.
All in all I think it was a good run.
Gary M
P.S. if you hear something that sounds like a cow bell. Check your U-joint
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