Unfortunatly I was not going to be able to lead the Labor Day Weekend run to Liberty so in lue of that I offered to lead the run on 8/20 and have it be at Liberty. Since there was nothing else planned for that run on the calendar it all worked out. The Family and I took the day off from work Friday and headed over early in order to get a camping spot since we wanted to relax a bit and this seemed like a great chance to do so. After arriving at noon we headed out to do a little exploring and geocaching sticking to the FS roads and saving the wheeling for the next day. On the west side of the state the temps were in the 90s but we did not see anything over 87 this day and were happy of that fact. After finding our quota of caches we headed back to camp about 7pm to have dinner and relax. Along about 9:30pm we were suprised to have Brandon (candidate) and his friends Spencer and Amber roll into camp. We quickly turned on some lights so they could see to setup camp and everyone was squared away within 20 minutes and enjoying the bug zapper (no campfires due to a burn ban).
Saturday came and along with it a few more people to join the run that day. Present were Don in his AEV 4 Dr JK, Jeff in his TJ, Moose, Rick, and son in a TJ. Brandon drove his 86 4Runner with Spencer and Amber. Then rounding things out was Melissa, Alex, Cassidy, and I in the YJ. Being that this was a Tamer Run and we left promptly 30 minutes after the planned time to leave for the trail.
We started out on 4W319 trail first in order to guage comfort levels for the trails which would decided where to go the rest of the day. Things were going just fine with one little hickup when our game of follow the leader got someone a little stuck but everything turned out ok and all tires remained pointed at the ground, for the most part. Midway up to the lookout to the memorial, Moose heard a funny noise and wanted to stop and investigate. We  figured out that the noise was coming from the back of the motor, we could not tell if it was an lifter or a rock in the bell housing. We decided that it was not serious enough to stop wheeling however and kept going. The view from the lookout was pretty hazy and you could not really even see Mt Rainer. I found out later that this was due to three really smokey fires on the Olympic Penninsula that were producing enough smoke to haze up half the state.
On we went down the trail until we came to the fork and turned to head down 4W329 towards First Creek. Things were going fine, it was 85 degrees with just a little breeze and people were talking back and forth over the radio about nothing in particular. It was a sign of things to come when we came around a corner in the trail to discover the top of a fire damaged tree had fallen across the trail. Being as how there was a fire ban, I did not bring a chain saw and since it was the top of a tree with a bunch of branches that could slice or puncture tires I did not want to just drive over the remains. We opted for muscle power and cleared it off to the side of the trail rolling it down hill as Spencer suggested. With that astute observation and quick execution we were back under way very quickly to find just around the corner another tree blocking the trail. This one was a little bigger so we opted to hook up a strap and tow it back along side of the trail and out of the way. Again a fast easy task done and we were on our way again.
Down the hill and a little further on we came to the bridges across First Creek and the Irrigation Diversion Channel that has been there for probably a hundred years. I was in the lead and went over both bridges and then up the steep little hill on the other side. Jeff was next to run up the hill which was a little loose I have to admit. Well apparently he got crossed up a little and ended up falling off the down hill side of the trail coming pretty close the tipping over into the creek. Instead of risking anything or causing damage to something we went ahead and used the winch to help get the TJ back on the trail and moving in the right direction.
We were as far south as the trail goes at this point and instead of dropping in elevation more it now started to climb back up the ridges. It goes up pretty quick too with a few steep hills which were apparently a little much for Brandon’s 86 4 Runner sporting an automatic transmission. A call over the radio let us know that a cool down period was needed and since it was now about 89 degrees we all looked for some shade to park in and wait for a few minutes and give the Yota a chance to breath. Just after we started out again there was another log across the trail but since there was already a go round and trying to remove the log was dangerous due to all of the fire damage trees that we could potentially cause to fall should we try to move the log we opted to let this sleeping log lie. I have to admit that it was a little bit of show off and a little bit of the challenge that made me try driving over the log. I got the front end over easy enough but the rear end gave me a little trouble and while I have never been there a little Moab Bump got me on up and over. I did leave a mark of the log though as I came down a little quick and took a chunck out of the log with the rear bumper. I know because it was still there when I got home the next day the chunk of log was still there in the bumper. Don also opted to roll over the log which was a little easier for him being on 35s but he did need to give it the Moab bump also in the end. Everyone else decided that they did not need to prove anything and opted to drive round the end of the log which was 4 feet away.
On up the trail we go and just around the corner what should be find but another log across the trail. This one was out in the open so moving it was possible and so I moved to the broken off end and tried to pivot my rocker on the log only to rip off one of my rock lights. Oh well that is why I have $6 rock lights. I got past the log and hooked up the strap to the end with the intention of just pulling the log along the trail to one side, which happened as I planned. With the log now off to the side of the trail I was having some problems getting my strap out from under it and thought was a good idea it was to have Jeff bump the log so that I could pull the strap out. One bump, and the strap came a little way out. Two bumps, the strap came out a little more. Three bumps, oh know too much and Jeff was turtled on the log but my strap was free. Uhhh Don would you mind pulling him off the log. No sooner asked then done and we were on our way again to go just around the corner and find a an old TV left beside the trail where some idiot decided it needed to be. Don was nice enough to make room for the remains in the back of his JK and said he would dispose of it when he got home since he had a dumpster at work. Thank You Don.
We finished out the remander of the trail and then drove the FS road up to Lion Rock in order to take in the view. It really was incredibly hazy due to the fires on the other side of the state but the temps were only about 85 degrees at 6500 feet which felt just fine to us. After talking about the area and pointing out ladmarks for a bit we headed north on the FS roads over the top of Table Mountain back towards Liberty. There was one more trail on the way that we could fit in given the time we had left before the day runners needed to head home. The Hole In The Rocks trail is a little tight at the beginnig but Don in his 4Dr JK navigated everything just fine and there were no incidents. We stopped one more time at the Sandstone Crawl Through Rocks (or Castle Rock as I know it by). If you climb up on the rocks you can look down on the upper part of the valley that Liberty is situated. The view is not the same as from Lion Rock but it is kind of need to be up on top of that rock above all the trees and seeing the expanse of forest below you.
Everyone piled back into the rigs and we headed down the FS road and back towards camp to finally arrive there about 5pm. Melissa, Alex, Cassidy and I had planned to camp a second night and so helped who ever needed it to get there rigs ready for the road, airing up tires, hooking up swaybars, and strapping down rigs on trailers. Once done we said our good byes and parted ways wishing each safe travel. Brandon, Spencer, and Amber had not planned to stay more that one night but decided to anyway and needed to run into town for supplies.
As the sun set and the light slowly was less and less the stars came out to show us there worth. Since there was a fire ban in place we plugged in the bug zapper and sat around it watching the mosquitos fry. Talking about this that and the other thing while watching the stars come out and the satillites speed by us in the sky. It is nice to get away from things and be removed somewhat from the busy life of the world, to slow down and worry about nothing more than when do I want to call it a night so that the sound of the creek near by can sing me to sleep.
The next day was a late start and since the only plans were to pack up and go home that is just what we did. Amber, Spencer, and Brandon left just a little before Melissa, Cassidy, Alex and I but we did not see each other on the road again which I guess is a good thing becuase that means no one had trouble getting home.
Hope to see you there next time,
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