The Reiter Run started early for Janessa and I. We pre-gamed everything and put the wheeler on the trailer on Friday to make it easier Saturday morning. Still up and adam long before the buttcrack of dawn we were on the road by 6:30AM. We arrived in much better time than expected so we hung out and waited for Scotty to open the gate while I played a wheelin’ game on my phone (no surprise I’m sure). By the 9AM the only other person there for the Tamer run was Bruce in his green Jeep, heart taillights and all. As glanced down Deer Flats Road to see the one and only Tom James coming up the road with Moosenstien in tow. We happily greeted him. Others started to trickle in. By 10AM ish most of the group had arrived. We conducted the drives meeting and headed off in search of adventure. We hit the newer more mild trails. I’m not what color it is but it provided a lot of challenges for some of the mroe mild folks. The more mild rigs spent a good amount of time working their way through the trail system. There was some very tight hairpin turns that made my cutting brakes a breeze while some others had to make 45 point turns. We eventually arrived to the rock play area. There was 3 lines to choose from at the beginning. Right was the easiest and progressed more difficult to the left. Scotty Potty Davidson was our in house tour guide this day. He took some random line through the 3 lines provided and started to climb another (totally optional) line, a nearly vertical wall. Surprisingly, he did make it. (This is important in just a moment). Everyone had their moment of glory by taking the right or center line. Last through, bringing up the caboose was Kevin Kidwell in a 2012 Trent Fab buggy, a very good friend of a few Tamers and a Tamer candidate. Scotty convinced him he needed to try the same line he did. Kevin gave in and went for it. A few attempts and it wasn’t long before Kevin was testing the durability of his roof on the ground. He quickly turned the car off and I helped his wife, Gina get on her feet. They both took the roll well. Though I do suspect they will have some soreness tomorrow. We got Kevin back rubber side down, cleaned up the mess, and got everyone down to the parking lot for hotdogs on the grill that Chris Green had already set up. (Much appreciated!) We all told past stories and lied about how big that rock really was and enjoyed the food.
The second part of the day started with going down the main trail, the first one built at the new Reiter. Some hit the rock while others by passed. A couple Tamers stepped it up here and went down the trail that may have been outside of their comfort zone. Awesome for pushing the bounds! A small problem here, a small problem there, but we made it to the G-9 trail. I really enjoy the G-9 trail but today it hated my truck and it showed it. We continued to putt down the G-9 trail in the reverse direction. We eventually caught up with a TJ with a broken Dana 35 C-clip axle near the ball pit. We had all the parts to fix it. Some offered help. Others offered tools. We actually waited for quite some time for a couple Toyota guys to get through the ball pit and it wasn’t much better going in reverse either. About 90% of the group had to winch at some point through the ball pit. Traction had left for the day and it wasn’t coming back. I decided to make my way to go play on the waterfall, a well known obstacle on the G-9 trail. I had 2 winch pulls by the time I made it to the bottom of water fall….ugh….I figured I’d just try to hide my face from the camera. Maybe noone will notice…. I got situated and gave the water fall a decent effort with a little encouragement from the loud pedal. I made it up the 2 ledges only to get to the top to come down on my rear driveline and break it. I removed the rear driveline and headed for the exit of the trail. I had to winch 2 more times to get out of the trail but I was able to make the gate keeper in front wheel drive only.
I think there was more but some did not sign the paper. If the name is spelled wrong then you write like crap.
Who was there:
Kurtis and Janessa
Steve and Jamie
Curt and Wendy
Chris M and Chris D
Casey and Gary
Kevin and Gina
Anthony and Tiffany
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