Pick Up a Mountain – 9/16/2023

I’m not sure anyone else is writing this up, so I thought I’d throw something out there…

Pick Up a Mountain last weekend was a blast. Tamers in attendance included Tammy and I, Jeremy and Noni, Rudi and Melissa, John, Antoine, Michael, Eric, Nate, Joe, Terry and Pam. Also in attendance were candidates David and Patty plus Ethan and Tom from NWD Off-road and Performance. Quite the group!

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Trail Jam Hosting 2021 (John)

For the first time in several years, the Timber Tamers decided to sponsor and send a group of Trail Hosts to the PNW4WDA Trail Jamboree. For those not aware, this is an event that is held annually (well, at least when it’s not cancelled by a pandemic!) in July in the Naches Ranger District of the NFS, and is based out of Jim Sprick Community Park in Nile, WA. This year it was held July 8, 9 & 10, 2021. However, since the Trail Hosts act as trail leaders for this event, we actually arrived at Jim Sprick Park ahead of the event so we could pre-run the trails. And, was it ever an eventful week!

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Jeepcast Trophy Challenge Support Sep 2019

Given a choice of a romantic dinner at Skippers on two for one fish and chips night or spending the day at JTC (Jeepcast Trophy Challenge)  Wendy chose to spend the day with me at JTC for our anniversary.  All kidding aside it is the spending time together that is important and I can’t think of anything I would rather do than spend time with family.  What an awesome day we had even if it was not a traditional anniversary.

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Doe Run Jul 2004

Doe Run or The Running of the Does ……..

I couldn’t tell you about the start of the Doe run, as I wasn’t there. I was home doing a few other Tamer related repairs to Moosenstein – trying to make the passenger compartment a little more livable on what likely was the hottest day of the year thus far. These activities included closing up the temperature door in the heater, opening the vent (none of which could be accomplished via the now long rusted and useless control cables still attached to the slide knobs on the dash.) That plus going from a 195 to a 160 degree thermostat promised to make this a more temperate trip than the previous weekend. While I think Jeepster Commando Moosenstein is a much better trail rig than the CJ 5 Moose that preceded it, there is still a lot to be said for no doors and a folded down windshield. I do miss them, sorely. Continue reading “Doe Run Jul 2004”

Doh Run Jul 2004

The “DOH”! run was initially suggested by Tom (moose) James (and helped to be named by Rick) as a pre-Doe run. Patrice and I met up with the group at the Highway 410 cafĂ© in Buckley at about 9:30am. It was a beautiful 70+ degree morning and promising to get warmer as the day went on. Tom and Eileen had gone to Mike Robinson’s place to drop off Tom’s truck and trailer. Upon their return we made our way to Greenwater / Forest service road 70 and on up to the trail head. Continue reading “Doh Run Jul 2004”