Well today’s run went exceptionally well. A couple of us arrived at the chevron earlier than everyone else, but it didn’t take long for rigs to start trickling in topping off thier fuel and parking. 10 rigs in total today ok 11 and a trailer because someone trailered their wheeler.
After a quick drivers meeting we headed to Tonga. Not a ton of traffic, but did find one moron that pulled out in front of the towed rig. Was nice seeing those trailer brakes working great.
We arrived at the trestle where we all aired down and visited a bit. Curt was awesome, he volunteered to be lead rig and of course I took my favorite spot as tail gunner. Didn’t hit much snow until around 2700 ft level. We took the right at the dirty 13 fire pit and worked our we to the end where a few lead rigs played until we caught up. After we turned around and came back down, we stop at the dirty 13 fire pit and had some lunch. After lunch we headed down the left side. Beautiful scenery and picture worthy in a few places. Little bit of side hillin in the slide areas makes for prayers to the wheelin god, you only slide so far LOL. So when we hit a wide area and was getting late we decided to turn around and head back up. Lite rain made it for a little slick hill climb, but nothing a great group of wheelers can’t handle. So back down to the trestle we go to air up. Yes Casey, there were a few tow fees coming your way. But all in all it was a great day with awesome people. Thank you to all that came to play. Lets see if I can name them Curt and Emily, Evan, Thomas, Patrick, Pat, Angie, Steve and Jodi and Gracie,Nat(guest),oh Crapolla forgot his name but he drives a nicely built Blur JL and me

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