It was a slightly different run than usual – although there were 2 trail rigs in the parking lot – Chris and Ashley’s Xterra and Shawn’s (hope I got you right) Christmas-lit-sparkly TJ in all of its illuminated glory. Continue reading “Hand In Hand Dec 2017”
Tonga After Xmas Run Dec 2017
A few people had the opportunity to hit Tonga during the week when there are very few people around. Looks like it was a good time.
Christmas Party Dec 2017
It was time for the Tamer Christmas Party. Per usual there was a big dinner followed by a few awards for memorable events during the year and a white elephant gift exchange. Here are a few pictures from the event. Continue reading “Christmas Party Dec 2017”
Christmas Tree Run Dec 2017
I had sent out a reminder/detailed description including maps to the whole Timber Tamer group and it even included a Tamer Turn (U-turn) in the directions. How it got in there I don’t know, but no one said anything… LOL. Continue reading “Christmas Tree Run Dec 2017”
Holiday Donation Dec 2017
Each year the Tamers take up a collection from members and then match up to an agreed upon amount the collection. All of that is then donated to a charity that the Tamers have agreed upon to support. This year the donation was given to Hand in Hand which is a local organization that helps children and families who are in crises. Continue reading “Holiday Donation Dec 2017”
Macys Parade Nov 2017
If you ever want to enjoy our state highways with very few people on it I would suggest the day after Thanksgiving at 5:30 AM. NO Traffic! After getting up, at 5:00 AM, leaving at 5:30 and making a few wrong turns in downtown Seattle we arrived at the Convention Center. Continue reading “Macys Parade Nov 2017”
Elbe Nov 2017
Elbe Hills is kinda like going to grade school in the old days, depending on who you are, what you wheel and whether you’ve been learning anything from your homework. You (1) might get an education; you (2) might get a spankin’; or maybe you (3) just get to hang out in the teacher’s lounge for an afternoon and go have a smoke. Continue reading “Elbe Nov 2017”
Walker Valley Work Party Nov 2017
Having not gone wheeling much lately, I was chomping at the bit to get out. I got a late start to the day due to a late work schedule Friday night. So as I arrived at the west entrance to Peter Burns Road I found that Dave , Kurt , Katie, Ed, and a few others Were already at the fire pit. Continue reading “Walker Valley Work Party Nov 2017”
Tahuya Oct 2017
A few Tamers made the trek over to Tahuya to see what has changed since there has been a lot of work on the ORV area done recently. The saying “it is just Tahuya” held true once again with a broken Dana 35 resulting in a rig rescue. Here are a few pics from the adventure. Continue reading “Tahuya Oct 2017”
Sumas Clean Up Oct 2017
The Rainer Ridge Rams are working with the WA DNR to clean up the area around Sumas Mt near Bellingham. This clean up is the first of many that will be needed to clean up the results of the illegal dumping that has occurred in this area. If you would like to help please look for more information on the RRR Facebook page. The Tamers will be there as much as possible to help to make cleanup a success but it is really going to be up to everyone to make this happen. Thank you to everyone that spent there Saturday cleaning the area up. Continue reading “Sumas Clean Up Oct 2017”
4WP Show N Shine Oct 2017
As so many of you know, I am just not a morning person….so, getting my behind out of bed at 7am, to be at 4 Wheel Parts by 9am, is not pleasant, but I said I would, so I did. Unfortunately, Gary was extremely ill, so he stayed home to sleep….hhhmmm, sleep on a weekend…. Novel idea! Continue reading “4WP Show N Shine Oct 2017”
Operation Shore Patrol Sep 2017
It’s Sunday evening post OSP – and Lola – tuckered out from her atypical weekend away from home – has put herself to bed (or actually under the bed) 2 hours early. She and her brother Kona spent a weekend with their mistress and me at Operation Shore Patrol. Being forced to spend time on the hard ground or on a lead, and not lounging on the couch as might have been the case at home all weekend – I’m sure they’d think of reporting us to the ASPCA – if only they had the opposable thumbs to manage it. I think mainly they are glad just to be home again. We tell them, “Remember – you always beg to come along. Well this time – we brought you!” Continue reading “Operation Shore Patrol Sep 2017”
Labor Day Weekend Sep 2017
Melissa, Cassidy, Aly (Cassidy’s friend), and I arrived in the afternoon to find that most of the campground was already claimed, or at least all of the spots with any kind of shade. Guess that should be expected given there was a forest fire not too far away that had closed a number of other campgrounds. We opted for one of the only spots left right by the creek where we could dip our toes in the water to cool off should the need arise. Continue reading “Labor Day Weekend Sep 2017”
Reiter Aug 2017
Tamers went to Reiter for the day and while there is not write up someone figured out how to take pictures so we have a few of those. Continue reading “Reiter Aug 2017”
Tamer Picnic Aug 2017
Most summers the Tamers take time at some point just to gather and have a picnic. This year the Wilkinson’s volunteered to host the event in there home. Here are a few pictures from the day. Continue reading “Tamer Picnic Aug 2017”
BCDR July 2017
If you have not heard of it the Washington Backcountry Discovery route runs from Oregon to Canada using mostly logging roads. Many club members had expressed interest in running the Discovery route but did not have time to run the whole thing. As a result we decided to run the route in sections with the goal of running the whole thing over time. The plan was to wheel one section then overnight in Wenatchee and run a different section before heading back home. Continue reading “BCDR July 2017”
Reiter Recovery July 2017
Karl brought the idea of a Rock Crawl Event at Reiter to the club and asked if the club was interested in sponsoring the event. The club being the club that it is said sure we can do that and thus began the 4 months of planning and preparation to make it happen. To be fair Karl to most of the work and a couple of the Tamers and Tamer friends helped when asked but most of the Tamers just showed up on the day of the event and did what needed to be done to make it happen. From all reports received the event was liked and there are already questions about when we are going to do another. No answer to that yet. Continue reading “Reiter Recovery July 2017”
Retier Rock Crawl Competition July 2017
A few months ago Karl came to a club meeting and suggested the idea of a Rock Crawling Competition at Reiter in order to help get the work out about the great work which the team building the trails has been doing. The fact that it would be fun also kind of factored into it I would have to guess. In any event the Tamers said they sponsor and help to put on the event along with a few members from the 4wd community. Karl headed up the organization and did most of the heavy lifting to make this event possible so thank you Karl. The hope is that we can do this again next year conditions permitting. For now here are a few pictures from the days events. Continue reading “Retier Rock Crawl Competition July 2017”
Tahuya July 2017
It is only Tahuya! Our good friend Roberto was heading to Tahuya to map out some of the new trails for a website. Heidi and I also joined in. I was looking for a milk run to get the CJ7 out on the trail. After all its only Tahuya. Continue reading “Tahuya July 2017”
Manastash July 2017
Family and I did not get to leave the house until about 5pm because of other commitments and I was really dreading traffic but as it turned out the drive over only took about 15 minutes more than usual since traffic was nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. We got to the campsite about 8pm to find that Gary and Casey were already there as was Jon as well as John and Mariscal. Continue reading “Manastash July 2017”
Reiter June 2017
On Saturday I met up with Shawn Nelson, grandson and TJ on 35s as well as Brian Sargent, son and stretched TJ on 40s to go run a couple trails at Reiter and try out my new Duratracs. Continue reading “Reiter June 2017”
Liberty Fathers Day June 2017
From all accounts of everyone present if you did not make the father’s day run then you missed a great run. Being that the usual haunt was not going to work this year the Tamers decided to head over to Liberty for the weekend run. Cassidy and I left Friday morning and 4:45am to make sure we were early enough to secure a camp site for the Tamers that were going to spend the weekend. We arrived at 6:45am to find that there was just one site left which we promptly setup camp in and then went to breakfast at the little café down the highway a few miles. Once fed it was off to get a load of wood for that evening and then a cruise around the forest service roads looking for geocaches. Continue reading “Liberty Fathers Day June 2017”
4WP Show N Shine June 2017
A few people were able to make it to the 4WP Show N Shine. Continue reading “4WP Show N Shine June 2017”
Tillamook May 2017
The run started 3 weeks before the actual days of the event this year when we discovered that the preferred campground was closed for improvements. After much back and forth we decided to try Cedar Creek which worked out since Rick and Jennifer were going to be there on Wed and could work on getting an area for the group. Continue reading “Tillamook May 2017”
Tamers Rig Check May 2017
Well – if you didn’t get yourself out to the Tenney’s home for the Tamers BBQ and rig check – you REALLY missed it.
And – even if you went – but left before the last instructional event on rig recovery – you REALLY REALLY missed it. Continue reading “Tamers Rig Check May 2017”
Moses Lake April 2017
As usual Anthony, family, and myself got an early start on this weekend. We left his suicide driveway sometime around 7:30 PM on Thursday and boogied for Moses arriving some time after 11:00. Continue reading “Moses Lake April 2017”
Easter Jeep Safari April 2017
Well, I’ve been back from Moab for nearly two weeks and I’m finally getting around to writing something up. Bit of a novel…sorry.
My Dad flew up from Dallas to do an 11 day road trip with me in my ‘90 YJ for our first Easter Jeep Safari. I’ve mt. biked in Moab and we’ve both driven through several times – but this was our first 4X4 Moab experience. It was also the longest trip I’ve done in the old jeep by far. Continue reading “Easter Jeep Safari April 2017”
Hefty Haul Out April 2017
Having left my rig pulled off up on the gravel – I’m standing calf-deep in brambles and thorns off the steep downside of the main road –
First note to self – “Bring leather gloves down with you instead of leaving them in the rig.”
Second note to self while barely able to move feet tangled and twisted up in brambles – “A pair of pruning shears or a machete would be really handy right now.” (I now remember that from my last time in this position….)
Third note to self – “I need to remember to bring some of the younger buckaroos and buckaristas along with me and show THEM the lower side of the road where trash should be getting pulled out!”
Beckler March 2017
It started off the day with Sunshine and birds singing…uumm ohh wait. No it was actually too dang early and raining miserably hard with warm temperatures and surely would prove to be an adventurous and interesting day. Continue reading “Beckler March 2017”
Janessa’s Run Mar 2017
It was an awesome turn out. We had 27 rigs show up. Snow was perfect. There was about 9′ of snow at the top. We met at the train tracks around 9:30 and left promptly at 10:15.