Elbe was an excellent trip! We ended up with John in his JK, Josh and Steve in the Samurai, Jared and Lindsey in their LJ, Jeff in his Geo Tracker, Malachi and family in the XJ, Chris in Stomper and Jeremy and I in the CJ7.
Continue reading “Elbe 12-15-2023”Elbe Nov 2018
This is a long report and please forgive my grammar and typos etc.
More accurately Run Report for Busy Wild Trail, Cause that’s the only damn trail we saw all day!
This will most likely be a PG rated report so please bear with me as I try to describe one of the longest days I have spent with others on the Busy Wild Trail in Elbe Hills ORV park.
Elbe Nov 2017
Elbe Hills is kinda like going to grade school in the old days, depending on who you are, what you wheel and whether you’ve been learning anything from your homework. You (1) might get an education; you (2) might get a spankin’; or maybe you (3) just get to hang out in the teacher’s lounge for an afternoon and go have a smoke. Continue reading “Elbe Nov 2017”
Elbe Nov 2016
Ok ok, im not a morning person.
Elbe Fathers Day Jun 2016
Casey and I (Gary) arrived at the campground about 3pm and saw that Bruce and Debbie had already gotten there and set up their camp.
We decided we would run our camper awning opposite theirs to get more coverage because of rain. It was sprinkling lightly at this time, and as we got our camp site set up more, the rain just got heavier. Continue reading “Elbe Fathers Day Jun 2016”
Elbe Oct 2015
The weather was pretty decent as Tamers began to group, first at the Miller home, then in Eatonville, then at Elbe trail head. We had 8 rigs today, Gary and his Zuk, Casey and the Yota, Tammy Chirstopherson riding shotgun with Randy Karg in a Yota, Rudy (not sure of last name) riding shotgun with Steven Armentrout in the Zebra Jeep, Heather Allemang in her Jeep, Mark McLaughlin in his Jeep, with Jason riding shotgun, a Friend of Gary and Casey, Jason Scott and co-pilot in his Yota, and Steve Yeager…..in his â€lil Side Kick….aks Tinker Toy! Continue reading “Elbe Oct 2015”
Elbe Nov 2014
Vengeance on Elbe 11/29/14
With snow in the forecast, we knew our trip down to Elbe was destined to be eventful. I have been wanting vengeance on the Busy wild, since last year’s Tamers run: Moose’s door jammed in a mud wall, Moose’s front shackle mount being ripped of the frame, me ripping off three tires at one time, and Moose flopping, following some sheet metal massage. Unknowingly, we would be on a tamer run before getting to the trail. Kurtis and I met up with Dave and his buddy Tom, in Dave’s red YJ. Casey and Gary were ready for some fun in Elbe with the infamous Green Toyota and Gary’s Zuk. With snow on the roads our pace heading south was pretty slow. Gary’s 2wd Dodge was giving him a little white knuckle towing. Continue reading “Elbe Nov 2014”
Father’s Day at Elbe Jun 2013
Father’s Day at Elbe – 2013
Tahuya might allow you to put your rig into 4 wheel drive. And Walker can be a day of off-roading.  But Elbe always delivers on the promise of full blown, down and dirty, locked and rocked, in-and-out-of-body, world class, bring and use all the tricks you know, double dog dare ya WHEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you – it was an Elbe type of day, and not a better Father’s Day could be wished for than the one we had. Continue reading “Father’s Day at Elbe Jun 2013”
Elbe Work Party Apr 2010
Dateline – ELBE
The Most recent Elbe Work Party – by the numbers.
Thousands – of rocks used to fill problem trail areas
13 – Timber Tamers in attendance
6 (or so) – different areas that received our attention
3 – flat trailer tires thanks to the very sharp rocks on the 92 road that penetrated them
2 – loaders loading 2 trucks so we didn’t have to haul rock by hand
1 – really swell day in the woods with the Tamers. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Apr 2010”
Walker Valley Apr 2010
Hey look … its Walker Valley again. Did anyone mention that Reiter was closed? Continue reading “Walker Valley Apr 2010”
Elbe Run Mar 2010
Hey an actual trail run at Elbe instead of a work party. Thank you Greg and Josh for the pictures!! Continue reading “Elbe Run Mar 2010”
Elbe Sunrise Trail Work Party Jan 2010
There was some much needed work needed on the Sunrise Trail at Elbe due to a washout and heavy use resulting in part for other ORV areas being closed. Continue reading “Elbe Sunrise Trail Work Party Jan 2010”
Elbe Work Party Nov 2009
Time for some more work on the adopted Sunrise Trail at the Elbe ORV park. Mike, Claire, Amy, Terry, Mark, Greg, Shaun, and myself (Rudi) were all on hand to effect some repairs were needed and assess the over all health of the trail. There was a little snow on the ground which had fallen during the week but it was fast melting and was not really a concern. Once we were all assembled everyone except for Mark and I ran up the trail to check it out. Mark and I ran up the road with my Jeep and trailer as we knew there was going to be some work to do in the rock section. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Nov 2009”
Elbe Work Party Aug 2009
Penny, Tom, Gary, Mark, Ann T, Amy, Terry, Rudi (me), Cassidy, Alex, and Ian were all able to make it for work party. We were just supposed to check the trail, paint the winch point sign so people could see it, and then go have some fun of our own. It did not work out that way. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Aug 2009”
Elbe Fathers Days Jun 2009
Well OK it was more of a work party than a run but we still managed to have some fun and the trails needed the work to stay in good shape. Thank you Billy for bringing out your equipment to do the trail work. You are a great operator!! Continue reading “Elbe Fathers Days Jun 2009”
Elbe Run Apr 2009
Where do I start on such a fantastic weekend as this? Oh, I know… we can start with me leaving the Navy base as I had duty on Friday. No biggie as I had brought my jeep and camping gear to work with me so I was ready to go on Saturday morning. It was rather funny towing the jeep on base. The gate guard asked me “is that yours”? Nope, I replied, It’s just following me. He was probably asking questions because I let the base decals expire on the jeep as I don’t daily drive it anymore. Continue reading “Elbe Run Apr 2009”
Fathers Day At Elbe Jun 2008
11th Year in a row to run Elbe on Fathers Day Weekend. There is just something about Elbe and the Busy Wild. Lots of pictures to look through from the run. Continue reading “Fathers Day At Elbe Jun 2008”
Elbe May 2008
Karl was leaving town real soon for work and would not be here all summer so before he left there was one last run to Elbe for a visit to the busy wild. Continue reading “Elbe May 2008”
Elbe Work Party Apr 2008
A little more than a year ago the Tamers adopted a trail at the Elbe Hills ORV Area, and we have re-upped that commitment for 2008. As such we need to run the adopted trail every two months looking for needed reapirs and address the issue we find. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Apr 2008”
Elbe Adopted Trail Check Feb 2008
Hey if you have to do some work at least you can have some fun in the process. So it is that a few Tamers got together and checked up on the adopted trail at Elbe. Here is who was able to come out; Continue reading “Elbe Adopted Trail Check Feb 2008”
Doe Run To Elbe Jul 2007
Thanks Tom B for the Video and Pictures. Continue reading “Doe Run To Elbe Jul 2007”
10th Annual Fathers Day Run To Elbe Jun 2007
All and all I would have to say that it was a fun day (maniacal laugh here) and I would not have missed it for just about anything. I was able to make it to Elbe a little after 9 Saturday to find that a few of the Tamers had spent the night but by the time that we headed out for the trail a couple more Tamers and candidates were present. Continue reading “10th Annual Fathers Day Run To Elbe Jun 2007”
Elbe Rescue Feb 2007
The longest rescue mission in the history of me.
(A lesson Learned)
On Monday, the 19th of February, I woke up and checked the mass of online forums as I usually do. Being presidents day, I had the day off and was looking forward to relaxing as I had been wheeling at Reiter Trails the previous 3 days. Well, I checked the good old Northwest Wheelers board and saw that some folks needed a rescue out at the Elbe Hills ORV area on the Busy Wild of all trails. Continue reading “Elbe Rescue Feb 2007”
Elbe In January Jan 2007
The day started bright and early, I loaded up the Jeep and headed out to Elbe Hills ORV park. The drive there was rather uneventful for me, but I heard others had some problems. I guess Dirtball successfully parked his Jeep in the back of the Dodge when he slid due to some black ice. Ask him for further details on his precision driving. Continue reading “Elbe In January Jan 2007”
Elbe Work Party Dec 2006
Work party at Elbe to take care of some much needed repairs. Even work can be fun sometimes. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Dec 2006”
Fathers Day Run Jun 2006
Fathers day at Elbe (#9). A tamer tradition or so I am told. This year, my Jeep didn’t make it. I broke the front Detroit the previous weekend and even though Tom Baker and I worked feverishly to get it ready, it was not to be. A quick call to a friendly wheeler (XJ Mike) and I had a seat for the weekend. Continue reading “Fathers Day Run Jun 2006”
Elbe Work Party Aug 2005
Tamers were at Elbe for a major work party to replace a bridge on the Sunrise Trail. Thank you to everyone that came out for the weekend and helped to keep the trails open. Continue reading “Elbe Work Party Aug 2005”
Fathers Day Jun 2005
Going to Elbe for the Father’s Day weekend (as we have for about 8 years now) is like visiting an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Of course – this would be a friend who delights in giving you a noogie! Because while this is just about as fun as wheeling can get, it is rare a visit to Elbe doesn’t leave you a few reminders of your trip to bring home with you. Continue reading “Fathers Day Jun 2005”
Fathers Day Elbe Jun 2004
Fathers Day @ Elbe (#7) … Another Memorable Father’s Day at Elbe……
Well – a Father’s Day without Elbe, would be kinda like – well – a Fear Factor bimbo participant without silicone. The two just go together! I’ve lost count – this was at least the 6th Father’s Day running of Elbe – or maybe even more than that. Elbe is still a trail system that is more demanding than most – but a number of key things have changed that really alter some of the more memorable parts of Elbe. Continue reading “Fathers Day Elbe Jun 2004”